About project

TakeUsEat - a project founded in 2020 by students of NaUKMA, aimed at solving the problem of the absence of online table reservations in their hometown, Kyiv.

During the development, we quickly realized that reservation is a complex process that should be simple not only for guests but also an effective tool in the hands of hostesses and restaurant managers.

Despite having no prior experience in the restaurant industry and no external investments, we were not only able to develop a fantastic product independently but also convinced restaurant managers to give it a try.

From our restaurant partners, we received incredibly valuable feedback, which fueled the active development of the platform over these years.

As of now, the reservation platform TakeUsEat has become part of the Expirenza by mono ecosystem - which means even more opportunities for growth and an even cooler service for restaurants and their guests.

About team

We're a small team, so we're always one for all and all for one

Oleksandr Leskiv

Oleksandr Leskiv


Head of the project and it's technical part

Nataliia Shkarovska

Nataliia Shkarovska

COO, Developer

Head of communications, fullstack developer, brand manager

Serafyma Lopukhina

Serafyma Lopukhina

Head of UI/UX

Head of platform design and graphical designer